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Las Vistas Beach (Playa de las Vistas)
Las Vistas Beach (Playa de las Vistas)
Las Vistas Beach is situated on the border of the Playa de Las Americas and Los Cristianos resorts. It is considered one of the best and most popular beaches in South Tenerife.
The beach has fine grey-golden sand, a beautiful sloping coastline and azure waters. It is protected from strong waves by stone breakwaters and sheltered from the wind by the mountains, creating ideal beach conditions throughout the year.

Its territory has all the necessary facilities for comfortable staying: showers, toilets, changing cabins, sun loungers, playgrounds for sports and much more. There are dozens of cafes and restaurants, shops, equipment rental centres for all kinds of water sports. In other words, the infrastructure here is very modern and well-developed.

At the promenade along the alleys, there are many cosy cafés, bars and restaurants with their Canarian charm and stunning ocean view. As the sun sets, coastal cafes and restaurants do not close but play cheerful music, turn on bright lights and work until dawn. That is why Las Vistas beach is so popular among lovers of night walks.
Contact us:
+34 602 51 12 60