Holiday rentals
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Booking policy
Check-in time -from 16.00 local time
Check-out time - 12.00 local time
All reservations for at least 4 days

Please send over your estimated time of arrival at the airport and your flight number.
We do our best to make your rental available at the earliest and at 4 PM at the latest.
The guest undertakes:
- to take good care of the property and equipment of the provided apartments;
- to maintain cleanliness and the established order;
- in case of loss or damage to the property of the provided apartments, reimburse the cost of damage in accordance with the current price list;
- strictly follow the fire safety rules.

It is prohibited:
- to smoke inside the apartment (smoke detectors are installed in the rooms. Smoking is allowed on the terrace of the apartment)
- disturb the peace of the residents from 23.00 to 8.00;
- keep animals, birds inside the apartment.
Cancellation policy
Free cancellation within 48 hours of booking.
Free cancellation within 48 hours of booking and at least 14 full days before the listing’s local check-in time (time indicated in the confirmation email).

If cancelled up to 7 days prior to arrival, guests will be refunded 50% of the stay and cleaning fee, but not the service fee.