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Loro Park (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife)
Loro Park (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife)
Loro Parque is one of the main attractions and pride of the island. It is one of the largest and most visited zoos in Europe. Located in Puerto de la Cruz in the north of Tenerife, this park is famous for its one of a kind (and probably the best in the world) orca show. It is also a botanical garden, an aquarium, and a dolphinarium, all located in one area of ​​13.5 hectares!
Here you will see fantastic flora and fauna, most of which are the rarest and endangered representatives. The entire territory of the park looks like one huge paradise garden, in which thousands of colourful parrots and many kinds of exotic birds fly freely. Loro Parque has the largest collection of parrots in the world (over 300 species of parrots) and has an impressive collection of exotic birds that makes this place famous worldwide.

The daily programme includes shows of parrots, dolphins, sea lions and orcas. The schedules of which are designed so everyone can attend all the performances in one day.

There are many buses from almost every city in the north of Tenerife to Loro Parque. And if you are staying in Puerto de la Cruz itself, you can catch the little yellow train that will take you to Loro Parque for free.
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+34 602 51 12 60